Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Academy of Architecture and Construction
Drafting/Illustrative Design Technology

Academy of Drafting Technology
Drafting/Illustrative Design Technology

Academy of Communication Arts & Digital Media
Printing and Graphic Arts

Academy of Business
Business Supervision and Management

Academy of Public Services
Criminal Justice Operations

Academy of law
Legal Studies

Academy of Education
Early Childhood Education

Academy of Health Science & Medicine
Nursing Assistant

academy of Sports, Wellness, and management
Sports Medicine

Academy of Hospitality and Tourism
Sports Entertainment and Event Planing

academy of Culinary arts and operatons
Culinary Operations

Academy of information technology
Computer Repair
Business Computer Programming
Web Design
PC Support
Network Systems
Information Technology
Multimedia/New Media Technology

Academy of Personal Service and Wellness

academy of engineering
Engineering Technology
Aerospace Science
Technology Studies

Academy of Automotive industries
Automotive Service Technology - Secondary School Reform - SSR School List